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New Oscar

23 11:05:29

Hi i just recently adopted a albino oscar that is 10 inche slong, now i have a 55 gallon tank with a mated pair of Electric Blue Jack Dempseys ( which i have only had maybe 2 months and have not laid any eggs yet.) now my male electric is 8 inches and female is 7 inches. My question is... will they get along or will he pick on them or eat them? I have been watching them and all they seem to do so far is size one another up and the oscar shakes his tail, electrics just swim around oscar and my female is now pushing her lips on oscars side. Are these good tank mates or will oscar eat my beautiful Electrics?

Hi Nannatte,
  I doubt if they will make good tankmates in the long run.  I have never met an oscar that didn't try to eat its tankmates.  That is what oscars do and they are very good at it.

-- Ron C.
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