Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Betta Fish Dorsal Fin is disappearing

Betta Fish Dorsal Fin is disappearing

23 14:28:32

QUESTION: What could be wrong with my betta's dorsal fin? What's the best way to prevent it from decaying even further? Can it grow back?

Good Dorsal Fin
Good Dorsal Fin

Decaying Dorsal Fin
Disappearing Dorsal Fin
Disappearing Dorsal Fin ( With Flash)

ANSWER: If your betta's dorsal fin looks like it is decaying, it could be fin rot. I suggest going to your nearest pet store and buying some Maracyn Two and following the directions that are included. After treatment, the fin should grow back, however, it might not be as long as it was originally.

Fin rot is typically caused by bad water conditions. I suggest looking here for any further questions:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you! I haven't had this problem before when I was back home in California. But I am teaching English in Beijing at the moment and decided to get a betta to keep me company. Maybe it's the water here?!

It could possibly be the water there in Beijing. Just make sure you keep using the proper water conditioner (to take out any harmful materials in the water such as heavy metals). Also, as a side note. You may want to buy some Aquarium Salt for your Betta. It helps promote healthy gill function and disease recovery. It may help in the process of healing. It also acts as a stress reducer, and just like in humans - stress can lower a fish's immune system, which could have also brought on the fin rot at a more rapid rate.

Thanks for your questions! If you have any more just send a message my way!