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semi aggressive fish

23 11:01:33

I have a 60 gallon freshwater tank.  I have mollies, neons, tetras, male guppies, platy,  and gouramis.  All are doing well and seem to be getting along.  My question is about silver dollar and angel fish. Can I add these two fish to my tank.  I have heard some say that they are both aggressive and will eat the other fish.  I have also seen tanks with the same fish I have swimming along side Angels and silver dollars.  I do not want to cause any harm to my community fish by adding these..  What do you think about the mixture??

It really depends on the fish. Sometimes they get along and for others all they do is fight. You can add them slowly maybe 2 at a time and see how it goes. Just make sure to keep an eye on them in case they have to be removed. You also don't want to over populate the tank. Angel fish and silver dollars should be in tall tanks and not long because they grow up and down, not in length like the others.