Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Is my pearl gourami trying to lay eggs?

Is my pearl gourami trying to lay eggs?

23 11:20:35

QUESTION: I have two gouramis one is pearl and gold. Pearl one is male and Gold is female. Few days earlier, when I saw the signs of the male trying to put the bubble nest, I had lowered the water levels and after two days there were little bubble nest, but later on i can say around a day, those bubbles dissapeared. from then on I was confused weather it is breeding season for them now or no.
I have a 10 gallons fish tank, with one live plant, oxygen, filter and two gourami fishes.
Should we keep the filter on when they are trying to build the bubble nest. what should be the oxygen levels High or low.

I have never heard of these two fish hybridizing. though stranger things have happened. Male anibatiods do build bubble nests even if they are not breeding. It is a sign they are very happy in the tank.

By the way, if they do breed, Be sure to document it and take lots of pictures. It may be a new event in aquarium fish history. I have had friends who have hybridized fish accidentally creating new species.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, it looks something new in the history anyway let us wait and see. I did not got the total answer for my question, for weather to keep the filter running at the time of bubble nest or to switch it off and secondly what should be the oxygen levels in the tank, high or low in this period. Please advice. Thanks & Regards

Oh, right. Sorry about that.

When I breed anibatoids, I turn the filter and bubbler off when they have the nests. The moving water can destroy them. Don't worry about this, they naturally live in swamps with terrible stagnant water and extremely low oxygen. They have even adapted to breath air as a result.