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Albino and Tiger Oscar

23 11:50:42

I just purchased 1 Albino tiger Oscar and 1 Tiger Oscar i have noticed since i have gotten them home that they dont seem to be floating horizontial.They either float almost vertically straight up and down or almost vertically on there sides is this normal. They share a tank with a Tinfiol Barb who is in good health. I also was wondering what is the best kind of food for them. Thanks for any hep on this matter in advance.

Hi Tom,
 Hmmm... that is not normal.  Is the tinfoil barb bothering them?
The best food depends on how large they are.  If they are less than about four inches in length, then you should probably feed them floating pellets.  As they get larger, I would move them to TetraCichlid sticks.

-- Ron
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