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Goldfish with Dropsy

23 11:43:47


DROPSIDIC goldfish
Hi my Gold fish has dropsy. This is how it all started, my goldfish started having clamped fins so i looked on the Internet for causes, then 4 days later the rest of my goldfish started to clamp down too, so i got worried. Then 3 days later i put an antibiotic in the tank(nitrofurazone), treatment took 4 days. At the end of treatment all the fish look happy and joyful, all except the one that got sick in the first place. Then the next day he started to get bloated so i searched and found out it was dropsy. Since i don't have a hospital tank i was doing a Epsom salt bath(1/8 teaspoon per 5 gallons) for 20 minutes once every day. It has been 4 days and he has gotten fatter and his scales are sticking out now plus he has black spots that are from ammonia burn :(. so now I'm stuck on what to do, will buy 10 gallon tank ASAP to do what Internet searches have told me. Set water to 82-84 degrees Fahrenheit,use Epsom salt same amount as stated above and using antibiotic medicine. I fell responsible for this cause i kind of forgot about the tank the past month, no water changes and dirty clogged filter. When i tried to clean the filter alot of dirty liquid got into the tank, became very cloudy. Also, i bought 10 new 10 cent fish and put them into the tank before the illness happened. Also the tank evaporated alot of water, so i just filled it up but i read that that was wrong. What should i do i feel terrible for being irresponsible. If it helps my fishtank is 40 gallons and my filter is a dual waterfall design. Thanks for Your answer, i appreciate it.

Hi Jose,
  That is a tough one.  Dropsy is just the British name for bloat.  Bloat (or dropsy) is not any one particular disease but rather a set of symptoms, i.e., bloated body, scales sticking out, lethargic behavior.  We do not know exactly what all the possible causes are and therefore what the best cure is.  The sad reality is that most fish that get severe bloat symptoms do not survive.  The best thing you can do is isolate that fish to protect the rest.   Also, never buy 10cent goldfish -- they are loaded with diseases.  

-- Ron
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