Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > My Siamese Fighter Fish is not eating

My Siamese Fighter Fish is not eating

23 14:53:21

Hi again

The Siamese fighter died on Sunday I checked my Nitrite and the levels were ok I litterally only had him for a day.

I am thinking wether to get another one or not as the tetras were going for its tail.


Followup To

Question -
I have just purchased a siames fighter fish and have added into 60litre tank, already in the tank I have 4 danios 6 tetras.

The danios and tetras seem to be eating all the food.

What can i do?


Answer -
Hi Mike;

I would get a breeder net and put the betta in it during feeding time. It will help him get what he needs. Whatever you use, make sure he can get to the top to take gulps of air from the surface.

Watch the danios and tetras for picking his fins. Some like to do that.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

Hi Mike;

Poor guy. What a shame. I wouldn't add any more bettas to the tank. Those other guys will probably just do it again. He was stressed already from being moved to a new home and they simply made it worse so he couldn't recover.  

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins