Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Ulcer/Lesion


23 15:06:12

10 days ago my Beta George (I've had him a year) got sick. He had a swollen stomach (ulcer?), was letharic and not eating. I gave him 2 rounds of Maracyn Two and today (day 11), he is back!
I'm curious about the lesion that appeared on day 8 at the site of the swollen spot?  It almost looked as though the ulcer exploded.  The spot is almost gone, but I didn't see anything posted about what it could have been.  I'm just curious.  He's kept in a 3-4 cup glass bowl with one large rock, his water is changed weekly using tap water and Aqua Safe and I feed him about 6 pellets of Beta Bites per day.  I crushed one Maracyn Two tablet and divided it into 3 doses.  I treated him for 10 days.  

Hi Karen;

It was probably an abcess and it burst, relieving the pressure that made him feel so miserable. The antibiotic killed the infection and probably saved his life. Good Job!

He gets quite a lot of food, so it might be good to feed only 4 pellets a day if his belly seems to get big after he eats. Overeating can cause constipation and lead to these infections too.

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Chris Robbins

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