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23 11:12:08

Hello, I have a red tiger oscar that is 5" long and grow pretty quick. I have recently noticed dark lines/patches on his underside. They seem to be lighter than his normal dark coloration which I what caught my eye. Could this possibly be an internal lession? It's been almost 2 weeks since I noticed it and he is still eating and seems normal. Could it be an effect from the camallanus I treated him for almost 2 months ago? Any advise would greatly appriciated. Thanks

Yes it could be related to the Camallanus. Did you treat it for the recommended amount of time? What medication did you use. IT doesnt mean that it is, just could be related. I cant see the fish so you have to make the call? If its being normal, thats a great sign obviously so. It could also just be the coloration, I had one a while ago that had a very odd coloration, too hard to explain, lol. Anyway, I am sorry I couldnt be of much more help.  By the way, I would recommend you use Mardel brand medication for illnesses next time. Maracyn , Maroxy, Maracide, copersafe, etc