Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > battafis


23 14:11:50

Ok i have a male batta fish in a two gallon aquarium. ihave a platie and they git along fine so i think that not all male battas are aggresive. I have another ten gallon aquarium and i have three male batts in it and the dont fight.

Hi Jeremy,
Yes Bettas are aggressive, but that just means usually that they are territorial. I have never heard of three males living peacefully in a ten gallon, and I'm not sure how long that will last. Or maybe they aren't living peacefully - have you checked all your fish carefully for fin tears, nips, and sores or bite wounds?
Anyway, Bettas are usually only aggressive to each other, not other kinds of fish. So it's very common to have a Betta in a tank along with Platies, guppies, tetras, and so on. Although in the long run I would advise you to separate the Bettas from your ten gallon, and Platies do much better in larger groups so you might consider switching him over to the ten gallon tank and adding more Platies.