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ryukin sos!!!

23 14:12:32

Please help! My 3 year old ryukin was very injured when he got caught in the filter when nobody was home. I just started treating him with melafix as well as feeding him green peas,(i believe his swimbladder is hurt as well b/c he can't right himself). However he has now developed a thick film over most of his body and one eye. Does this mean he is healing or is this bad news? I love him so much but i don't want to make him suffer. Any information you can give me will be a huge help! Thank you so much!

Hello Jacqueline,
I'm sorry about your goldfish. You might stick a piece of pantyhose around your filter so he can't get caught again.
As long as you keep his water fresh and clean, add come conditioner to replace his slime coats, and keep him stress free he should be fine.