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23 11:17:44

im going on a vacation for 10 day. what do you need to do to prepare my 2.5 g fish tank before going on vacation? (I have 3 bettas in the tank with a heater set at 78*F and a small filter. They all live in seperate part of the tank. {The seperater can't be see through.})

Do a water change to keep the tank clean.

Are you having someone else feed them for you while you are gone?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

No, i can't have someone else to feed them for me. So can they stay hungry for 10 days or should i buy the "vacation feeder block"?

I wouldn't starve them for 10 days... they might be able to survive, but it would have some pretty serious health effects.

The feeder blocks may work, but there are 2 major problems:
1.) They are usually made of sodium bicarbonate, which will drastically raise the pH and hardness.
2.) They are made to decay. That is how they "release food" into the water, but it is more of a harm than help in this way.

The option I would choose is an auto feeder. It is a computer device that feeds your fish whatever food you put in at times each day you set. The only downsides are they can be expensive.

If this still isn't an option, since it is a small tank, you might be able to physically bring the tank to a friends house so they can feed your fish. This would be by far the best choice, but if you do, do not transport the tank with water in it, as this may break the silacone bonds.