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My fish are acting weird

23 11:59:06

    I recently set up a 40 gallon tank with 2 oscars and a needlefish. I gave the tank a full two days to run before buying fish and did many water tests. The tank is at 78 degrees and I have an Aquaclear powerfilter.
    My needlefish acts completely normal and eats fine, but my oscars as far as i know haven't eaten much. I have been putting in the frozen beef heart cubes and they don't seem to pay attention to it at all. Whenever i come around the tank, they seem like they are scared to death of me and hide under a rock in the tank. Once i turn the lights off, they act normal and swim around as long as I'm not visible to them. I am wondering if this is why they are not eating because they do not want to come out. Should I take the rock out so they cant hide or change the diet?
  Any suggestions will be appreciated and maybe they will get better after they get comfortable with their new surroundings, but I just want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong.Thank you for your time and appreciate your response.

Hi Sean,
  I would put more rocks in, not take rocks out.  Fish like oscars take a while to get accustomed to a new home.  The more hiding places they have, the less likely they are to use them (because they know that they have a place to go if need be).   It may take an oscar a couple of weeks or more to get used to a new tank and during this time they often won't eat.  Be patient.

-- Ron
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