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Water Levels

23 14:44:57

Hi it's me again!
I used my test kit tonight! YAY!
Ammonia Level read 0ppm. Nitrite read 0ppm. Nitrate read 40 (although the 40 and 80 on the color card look almost identical that I cannot tell them apart) but i am certain it's 40. and the PH level is 7.6 (which is good because goldfish prefer 7.5)
I can also do high level PH. I haven't done that yet.

So by my readings, my aquarium water is running at optimum levels. :D

Hi again, Bernadette!

Exciting news! Don't worry too much about pH levels in your tank, goldfish are very adaptable. They have become accustomed to the pH levels in your tank. Altering the pH of your water would stress them out. Remember, stability is always best! So unless you think your alkalinity is too low (your test kit will tell you what the acceptable levels are, and if they are under this level a few pinches of baking soda will remedy this), do not alter your water chemistry.

Alkalinity is the "buffer" that keeps your pH constant. You want that to be as close to ideal levels as possible, whatever the measurements are according to your test kits. That's the hardest aspect of understanding water chemistry!

I hope this answered all three of your questions. Please don't mind the "auto rejection" email, I am just using to clear the queue of questions. Feel free to write again, I do hope your fancy goldfish are doing well!

Take care.