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bottom feeders

23 11:14:56

WILL,    I picked you to ask my question, because you stated that there are no stupid questions, and I appreciate hearing that from anyone.   I am not sure which of the bottom suckers I have, but I have two (2) in a 14 gallon tank. I bought both at approximately the same time and they are both about the same size. One of them is the upside down catfish. My question is basically, How do I tell if these fish are breeding ? There is a small castle in the tank. The upside down fish has basically lived in it from day one. Recently they are both staying in there, but the upside down has started coming out part of the time, while the other fish stays in. Their behavior has really changed so much. I watch my fish and can always tell when one of them is doing something out of its norm. I have one Oscar in a 55 gal. tank, he is aprox. 10 inches. I have a Pictus catfish and a kissing Gouriami in a 30 gal. tank. The pictuts is about 8 in. and the Gouriami is about 4 inches. I have a new Oscar in a 10 gal. tank and he is about 4 inches. He will be going into a 30 gal. tank this week. I also have several HighFin Tetras, both black and white. I reall y enjoy my fish, and like I said, I notice any changes in their behavior. I research on the internet, and have bought several books. This is just something I have not been able to find. Hopefully I have given you the information you will need, if not please ask me. I will really be excited if I should be having the possibility of raising babies by these fish. Any and all help you can give me is very much appreciated. I will be looking forward to your reply. Thanks again, Sandra

I am very sorry for my slow response.

You're catfish will not breed if they are different species from different genera, however if catfish are breeding, the female will look very very large, as if they have swallowed a golf ball. The males will be spending all of their time nudging and bumping into the female.

Be a little careful with the oscar and the "high fin tetras". Can you provide me with a scientific name for these fish? I know many different tetras all called the high fin tetra despite being different species. If they are Gymnocorymbus ternetzi (I've always called them black skirted tetras, but many people know them as high fin tetras, they look a lot like a miniature black piranha) you are in luck. They were the first fish I bred, and I was only 8 years old the first time I did. If you can verify the species, I can tell you how to accomplish breeding them, as you said, you'd love to raise your own baby fish.