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goldfish trying to jump out of aquarium

23 14:49:45



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Is there something wrong with my goldfish?  For some reason they keep trying to jump out of the aquarium.   Two actually made it out but we managed to save one and put it back in before it died. It's now doing well. Today my dad told me that two goldfish tried to jump out of the aquarium but luckily we had the cover on.-we had to do that since 2 goldfish jumped out. I'm a little worried since that goldfish has a red streak. I think it might be bruised or it might be blood.  Please tell me what you think

Answer -
It may be bruised from trying to jump out, but it should be fine :)

Goldfish, like alot of fish do try to jump out of aquariums, its completely normal, just make sure its covered. They will be fine :)

Have fun with them

what if they actually managed to jump out of the aquarium and we mangage to put it back in the tank

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That happens, Goldfish are able to take quite a beating, thats  actually why they are such a good starter fish. You may want to get some stress coat for the tank, this will help recover the slick coating that they have (which they will loose with all of this floor diving). It protects them from serious injury. As for your one with the red line, if its not actually bleeding, and it is infact a bruise, it will heal on its own.


but they didn't used to jump. And I want to know if its okay to put them outside in a large bucket for a while? The bucket is pretty huge.

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Your goldfish just have matured enough to jump, it is a perfectly normal thing.

As far as putting them outside, as long as the bucket has been cleaned with scorching hot water and has never been in contact with soaps, you will be fine.

Can I ask why my fantails don't jump but my common goldfish do?

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Check things like PH, hardness of water, and so forth, I pushed this question onto a professor to get an answer, he says that though, goldfish do just jump, it does happen that they may be stressed, if so, it would be purely based on environmental factors. Make sure the water is below 78 degrees. Hope that helps a bit.


Can you tell me what happened?  When I went to check the fish that Mom put outside, I found it was floating on its side. Is it okay?

I would bring it inside, It is under heavy stress from the sounds of it. If it is infact still alive, i would put it in a warm tank, around 74 degrees and feed is peas you have boiled and removed from there little 'cover'. It sounds like it is having problems digesting something which is causing it to have problems swimming. It also may be from to much heat. Assuming it was in a bucket outside, the water probably got well over 78 degrees, deadly for a goldfish
