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identify my freshwater fish

23 12:01:49


Google the Mystery fis
Got this guy a year ago at a fish store in a nother town & have never seen another. He is quite hardy & I just love him. have looked through many books including with pet store employess & can;t find him anywhere. He is peaceful, skittish & about 5" long. The mouth is concave & we call him "Google" & would love to get another.

Hi Melanie;

I doubt you will find another "Google". He is very cute but he is actually a tinfoil barb that is a bit "physically challenged". He was probably born that way and wasn't culled out with others, or it wasn't obvious as a youngster and he was left alone. He may even have been injured while small and developed more skeletal problems as he grew larger. Looking at the lateral line down the side of his body you can see that it curves much more upward and downward in some places than in the original tinfoil barb. It even looks as if his tail points upward at the base too. His bottom jaw also isn't growing as large as the upper and, as his name indicates, his eyes are somewhat out of proportion to the rest of his features. Here is a link to a photo of one to compare them;

Barbs are actually a schooling fish that prefer to be in groups so you could try some more if you have a big enough tank. These guys grow to be over a foot long though so you will need at least a 100 gallon tank for a trio of them. It will help him calm down to have buddies because schoolers feel safer in numbers. Little Google may not get very much larger though. If his problem is genetic he probably will stay on the small side.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins