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Upset little spotted puffer

23 11:43:51

I just bought 2 dwarf spotted puffers  2 days ago and tonight when I got home and checked on them they were very dark in color and resting at the bottom. When I turned on their light they started to move and one puffers color started lightening back up and the other went to the top of the tank, puffed up and turned upside down until I gently nudged him to make him quit it and turn back over. Were they just mad at me or is there an underlying problem?

Thank you very much,

Hi Sharon,
 That is very hard to say.  You should NOT nudge him when he is puffed.  Puffing is his defensive posture -- leave him alone when he is doing that.

 They are not mad at you, but they might not be happy in there new home.  I would give them some time.  It often takes fish several weeks to get accustomed to a new tank.

-- Ron
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