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Oscar with bulging eye and white fungus

23 11:13:20

Within the last 4 days I have noticed one of my Oscars (I have 2 and no other fish) has a bulging eye covered with white cotton looking fungus. The eye around the edge where it is closest to the head is extremely raw/red looking. I did see a few white fungus looking things on its fins and side of face.  I have started treating for Ick about 3 days ago. The body spots look like they are cleaning up, but the eye is getting more swollen and completely covered with an 1/8 inch thick white cotton looking layer. What can I do?  I will have to take the carbon out of the filters as I just noticed that in the instructions on the very small type on the Ick treatment bottle.


Jon, you need to go to a pet store immediately and purchase Maracyn 2, and Coppersafe, which is also made by maracyn brand medication. Ick cure will not help what your oscar as. I don't know what size tank you have it in but I recommend downsizing if possible to cut cost of medication. It is pricy but well worth it. Administer exactly as directed for 5 days, if it doesn't cure completely, start the meds over for another 5 days, and with this medication, you dont have to remove the carbon if you don't want to. It has always worked for me and I refuse to purchase any other brand of meds for fish. The protruding eye sounds like it has POP EYE, and also sounds as if it has a bad fungus infection. Hurry. Good luck and keep in touch if you wish.