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30 gallon

23 13:56:00

hello. I have a 30 gallon tank with one goldfish, one Polypterus senegalus(small eel), and a small plecostomus. Could I put a bullfrog tadpole in there until it gets legs? I dont no if it will be to crowded for my fish. They dont have problems with each other already, and the tadpole is only temporary. I got these fish from a pet shop i live next to that kept both the pleco and the goldfish together in a 5 gallon tank and the eel in a 10 gallon tank. Thank you for your help.

Hi Beck,
You have enough room, but if your goldfish is big, it could eat the little tadpole. It depends on the size of your goldfish.   I am a little worried about the eel.  Usually eels come from warmer waters, and they die in cold water.  You didn't mention what kind of eel you have, but if it is tropical, it should not be kept with a goldfish that needs cooler water.
Hope this helps