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Is my betta fish constipated?

23 13:57:27

Hi, my betta fish is about two and a half years old and for about two weeks he's been looking very sick. I looked online and thought that he might be exhibiting the symptoms of constipation. He was having trouble swimming straight, he's grown pale and he has loss of appetite. It started out that he would eat less than usual and now he doesn't eat at all. I can not tell, however if he looks bloated or has a bulge but I'm pretty sure I have been overfeeding him. I stopped feeding him his usual pellets and I tried feeding him peas and I've been giving him baths in Epsom salt. I have not seen a bowel movement and he does not seem to be getting better. Is there anything else I could do to help him? Do you think he has constipation or could it be something else? How do I know if he's getting better? And if he does get better, how long should I wait before I start feeding him again?

Hi Suzy;

It does sound like constipation but sometimes it can be hard to tell. The epsom baths and peas are exactly what I would recommend. You are doing everything you can for him really. You might also try raising his water temperature if it's below 76f. Put his tank in a warmer spot and let it slowly rise to the new room temperature. Bettas like their water to be at least 76f and when they aren't feeling well it helps to keep it at 80f or even 82f. Your betta is older now too and older bettas tend to like their water warmer anyway. Most bettas live to be 2 to 3 years old so he's a senior citizen now and will have a harder time digesting in general. If nothing seems to help you could try an antibiotic such as Maracyn Two. Sometimes there is a bacterial infection involved. Maracyn Two absorbs inside the fish to get where an internal infection could be. I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins