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Fins are shreaded

23 15:06:50


I contacted you on the 14th of January about Max my Betta.  I have been changing his water everyday and the black on his fin is getting better.  He is very lively and eating well but now his tail fin is becoming shredded.  The very tip was a little rough before but it was completely there.  I was wondering if this is also from the new tank or and I looking at
another problem? When I change the water I don't take him out I just dip the water out.  Is this the correct way or am I contaminating the water?  The nitrite & nitrate levels are fine the ph level is alkaline.  Sorry for all the questions, I really don't know much about this.  Thanks for your help

Hi Paulette;

I'm glad he is getting better in general. He may be catching his tail on a decoration like a plant or he is biting his own tail. Some silly bettas think their tail is another betta. Give him a mirror to look at and see if that helps. It may distract him because he thinks his reflection is another betta instead of his tail.

The way you are changing his water is just fine. Be sure whatever you use to dip the water out has no soap or chemical residue on it. Keep up the good work!

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