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Upside-down Dempsey

23 11:18:28


Sick Demsey
I have 2 Jack Dempsey Cichlids that are about 5 years old.  The larger of the 2 has become off-balance, uninterested in food, and unresponsive to stimuli.  He is still alive, but he is not doing well.  It has been about 2 months since the last water change (these were my husband's and i am not usually involved..).  I did a 50% water change this morning and the water was high for Nitrates and also for GH. The Nitrite was 0.5 and pH was 6.0.  In doing some research, I have learned that those conditions are not ideal to say the least.  About an hour after the water change, he is belly up on the bottom of the tank and I noticed a dime-sized blackish color on the caudal aspect of his belly on either side.  I am not sure if this was present before, but I don't think so.  The other fish seems ok at this point.  Any suggestions are helpful.  In taking over these fish, I hope I can help save him.

Hi Kimberly,
  As you have most likely found out by now, once a fish goes upside down the end is pretty near and there really isn't anything you can do about it.  A water change once every two months is simply not often enough to keep most fishes happy and healthy. Sorry.

-- Ron C.
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