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cichlids babies

23 11:12:48


Cichlid Parents
Hello I am extremely excited as I have moved my breeding cichlids to their own tank and they had eggs within a week. They are looking after them and all seems happy. Smallfry are moving about quite freely and mum and dad are fantastic. Its been two weeks and they are only in a 10 gallon tank at the moment. I change their water daily and fee them small fry liquid food 3 times a day. I have another larger tank with aggressive cichlids and also have the net breeder ready to go. So how long before I start moving them if they all seem to be happy.


 Congratulations on the new fry. Before I can help you I need a little more information from you. How many fry do yo have? How big is the other tank? How many Cichlids do you have in the other tank? How big are the fry now? Why are you going to use the net breeder if the babies are already born? Are all of them the same breed or do you have other types of Cichlids? As soon as you can get back to me with the information the sooner I can help you out.