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white spots where scales were

23 14:30:35

I have had a 29 gal tank for about a year with 2 fantails.  One recently died from swim bladder.  I have a whisper filter.  All levels seem normal, I change the water frequently, 1/3 at least once a week.  The remaining fantail is mostly orange but has some white spots.  He doesn't seem ill, I just wonder what these are.  Is it from losing scales, I think I've notice a few scales when vacuuming the bottom of the tank.  I add salt when I change water and am now feeding peas since the pellets although soaked before giving to my fish seem to bloat them and they end upside down!  Also since I have one remaining goldfish should I get another?  He's pretty big, now about 3 inches.

Hi Lisa;

It's possible he lost a few scales, but they don't usually do that. Look closely to be sure they aren't fuzzy white patches or something. Fuzzy white might indicate injury where a fungus or bacteria has invaded. If not, watch him to be sure he isn't scratching himself on things in the tank. Fish will do that if they have irritation from parasites, or ammonia or other toxins are bothering them.

As long as everything looks okay and you see the scales start to grow back in those places, you could give him a friend. He is actually only half grown. He will get to be 6 inches but could actually get to be almost 8 inches. You could possibly have three fantails in there, but two is a good manageable population.  

There are lots of other foods you can give your goldfish for his digestion to help avoid swim bladder problems in the future. You could eliminate most of the pellets, but peas don't have enough nutrition to feed them as a basic diet. I feed mine a sinking pellet that has spirulina, along with cooked shredded carrots, romaine lettuce, cucumber slices, squash slices, and even an occassional chunk of pear, peach, banana or apricot. Also good are live aquarium plants. Goldfish need lots of fiber and those foods provide it. Here are some web pages about goldfish food and constipation; (scroll down and click to see 2nd page)

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins