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Fish Fin Rot

23 11:32:39

Hi Lauren,

I have cold water gold-fish in my Biorb 30 ltr tank.

One of my fish died last week. It had lost all its fins and its body was rotting. I then changed the water completely and added some de-clorinator and also some anti-fin rot for my second fish, but now my second fins have also started showing signs of fin rot and I can see that most of its fins are also falling apart. Please let me know what could the reason be? Kindly reply ASAP as my second gold-fish could also die within a day.

Thanks, Ray  

Hello Ray!

it could be ammonia burns, from high ammonia within your tank...

it happens because goldfish produce alot of waste, too much for them to handle...and if you have a 30Litre tank you need a filter thats made for a 40Litre tank!...
they need stronger filters...

i hope your fish survives...i would keep treating for finrot just incase