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Betta Fish Eggs

23 14:36:46

I just bought a female betta about two weeks ago. Now there are little tan balls all in the bottom of the tank and they have little webs all around them as though they are eggs in sacs. Has my fish laid eggs? What should I do to ensure they survive?

Hi Brooke;

In order for her eggs to be able to hatch she needs a male with her to fertilize them as they are laid and for the male to care for them in his floating bubble nest. It's rare for a female betta to lay eggs by herself, but possible. They are never going to hatch though and they are rotting now. The "webby" look is from fungus or bacteria taking over as they decay. Clean them out so they don't make her sick. Here is more about bettas' unique breeding habits;

It may not be eggs at all. Do you usually feed her pellets? If the little round things are bigger than a grain of sand, they aren't eggs. It may be old decaying food pellets. She has stopped eating or not eating as much lately for some reason. Clean them out and keep her in a warmer spot so she has a better appetite.

I hope all goes well...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins