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Mirrors for Betta fish.

23 14:47:36

I got my betta fish at a pet shop that i totally  trust with the health of my pets. I am going back to school and my science teacher told me that Betta fish like mirrors. i sapose she meant that they like having a friend, even though it is themselves. He is in perfect health with his beautiful colors and wide thick tails. he looks at himself in the mirror, puffs his gills out, and swims all over. i change his bowl once-twice a week and feed him plenty of Betta pelets twice a day. I am doindg pretty well with him, i just want to know if it  is okay to keep the mirror. i don't want him to hurt himself in any way!
                     Thanks for your help,

Hi Alicia,
  I definitely wouldn't leave the mirror there continuously. He doesn't "like" his friend, he is displaying at him. Rival males display at each other to scare each other off.  It is okay and probably good for him to do this every once in a while , but if you leave the mirror there all the time, he is going to get very angry at "that other guy" that never goes away.  

 Male bettas don't need friends.  All they really want to see are female bettas and that's it.

-- Ron
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