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Betta Fish: Sick or not ?!?

23 15:02:51

I have had my tank set up for a year and a month now and it is a small tank less than a gallon.  I have a single male betta fish in it.  I am not quite sure of the pH, nitrate, and ammonia levels, but I do know that my fish has a huge pouch-like looking bubble under his face right behind his gills.  He is making mating bubbles and seems to be swimming regularly.  However, one of my family members told me that she has two male bettas too and has had them for 2 years, but has never seen a pouch like that under her fish and behind its.  So does this mean that my fish may be sick or is it something else serious or is it nothing to worry about?  This is my first betta fish and my second as a pet.  Please help!!!!!  

Hi Jocelyn;

It sounds like an abcess or something, usually caused by a bacterial infection. Put his tank in the warmest place possible to get his water up to 80 to 85 degrees slowly. Or, put a light on him to get it warmer. When they breed it needs to be 85 or so for the best results so don't worry that you might be "cooking" him. It's okay to have it that warm. Bacteria that cause infections in fish don't like it that warm, but it helps the immune system and metabolism of the betta to be able to fight off the infection.

If the spot doesn't go away he may have a tumor. There really isn't much you can do if that's what it is. Or, he has an abcess that needs medicine to treat bacterial infections. "Maracyn 2" is a good one for infections that are internal. Abcesses start from inside the fish so that is most likely what will be needed.

Here are a couple of sites to read about bettas so you know even more about them;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins