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Oscar is sick

23 14:10:51

I am caring for my son's Oscar while he is in Australia and of course his fish gets sick.

I don't know if this is coincidence but we had to get rid of a larger Oscar as he was really bulling the smaller to the point he was ripping flesh.  These two Oscars were raised together and would always be by each others sides.

Since this time the smaller Oscar is loosing color (seems to have large gray areas on his body)and seemed to be getting white spots which we thought might be ick.

We did a 20% water change and added medication for the treatment of ick.  Changed all the filters.  Tested the water for pH, ammonia, nitrates, etc. and all checked out fine.  I also added Cycle to help to distress the fish.  Overall the spots seem to be gone but the gray on is body is still there.  Not the other fish in the tank seem very healthy and are acting normal.

Now he is not eating.  I generally feed him blood worms or pellets which he would have devoured.  He shows no interest in eating.  I even bought him a couple of feeder fish which he has not touched.

I am really worried as my son has grown very attached to this fish and so have I.  He really had character.

This may seem like a dumb question, but could he be missing the other Oscar he grew up with?

Hi Debbie,
  Don't add cycle to an established tank. It won't do anything.

  The basic answer is "yes, he can be missing the other oscar".  Oscars are very intelligent fish and they get very attached to the fish and people in their world.  It is also possible that he is missing your son.
It will take time.

  Do not feed him feeder fish. Feeder fish almost always carry parasites which then attack the oscar.  

-- Ron
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