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Mold in my plastic beta bowl

23 11:32:53

QUESTION: Hi there, I have asked questions in the past and every time it has been a success. I have 3 betta fishes in 2 1/2 gallon plastic bowls from petsmart. I have had them in these bowls for about 7 months. My giant beta Jimmie keeps getting this brown mold on his bridge and rocks. If I use bleach and hot water with soap we are good for the next 4 cleanings. I completely clean every week. None of the other bettas have gotten this and they are all on top of the fridge with a lamp over them 16 hours a day beings I keep the temperature at 72 degrees in my apartment. The betta is doing great. It just looks awful when it comes back. I use Top Fin water conditioner. I feed pellets, BettaMin Tropical Medley and another small black pellet from Agua Culture. I do not feed blood worms due to 2 fishing having swim bladder disease and they don't particularly like the worms. Any help is greatly appreciated. I don't particularly love the plastic bowls, but they are large and light weight for me to put on top of the fridge.

Thank you,

You are lucky that your fish are doing well so far.  The Betta is a tropical fish, and should be kept in heated tanks.  Their water should be 82 degrees.  Under this temperature, the betta is cold, and his life will be cut short.  However, when heating water for bettas, we must do this very slowly, one degree every two days, as bringing up the temperature too quickly will cause death.  Fluctuating water temperature is very bad for them.  They should never see each other.  When Bettas see each other it causes stress, and they get sick.  Lamps are not good for them either.  Bettas prefer the light of day, and should not have lamps over them 16 hours a day, This is not good for them, or any other fish.
I do not know the reason why you have brown algae.  Actually, bettas in 2 1/2 bowls should have their water changed completely twice a week.  With proper water changes, the algae should go away.
I would also like to mention that you never should clean a bowl with soap.  I do not understand why you use bleach.  If you clean your bowls with warm water, this should be enough, unless their bowls are very dirty.  With complete water changes, you should have no problems.
Hope this information helps.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Lynda, I have the light to warm the water because I can not afford a heater for three, and the plastic would not work. I have cardboard between each bowl so they do not see each other. I had posted a question a year or two ago and one of the experts said a 40 watt bulb a foot or so from the tops will help warm up the water beings I have my apartment cold. I have had bettas for over 30 years and most of mine have lived 3-5 years. I would rather have them here than in 6 ounces of water and dying at the pet stores. I do not over feed and the two and a half gallons of water doesn't even look dirty when I clean them. I only use the bleach in the one with the mold. I put water in 8 gallon containers to sit until the next time I clean and I always make sure the temperature matches. The mold will just appear one day and I immediately clean him first. I thought maybe it is because of the plastic bowls. And no matter where I place him he will get the mold and Ricky and Spike never do. This is the first time I have had three at a time, but you know how adopting a pet is.  Or should I say rescuing them. I have tried new rocks and a new bridge and the mold came back after about the fourth cleaning. I will try cleaning more often. Sorry, but we are the many poor folks that can afford to have a betta or three. I am sorry we can not have the right size tanks and heaters, but I know they are better off here than in that little cup. I see several die all the time at the pet stores and I just have a big heart. They dance for me, they know their names and I can call them from across the room and they will wake up and dance. Thanks for your help.


Bless your heart for rescuing these poor fish, and yes they are much better off with you than those small cups they put them in.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.  I wish there were laws to protect fish, but this, I don't think I will live to see the day.  Bettas are so intelligent, each with a personality of their own.  I misunderstood you when you mentioned lamps.  Seeing as they are higher, I see no problem.  Some people put lamps very close to the surface which heats the water, but then the water is too warm on top, and not enough at the bottom.  We all do our best with our little friends, and I'm sure you do too.  If you have kept bettas for 3-5 years, you must be doing something right!  I think they also feel the love we have for them, which helps them more than anything else.    
I always ask for the most details as possible.  Sometimes, I have to guess.  I'm sorry, I did not mean to insult you in any way.  Now that I know the whole story, it reassures me, and I'm sure you are doing everything right.  
As for your brown Algae, it doesn't make sense that the other two tanks have none, unless this betta eats more.  Food can cause brown algae.  I wouldn't worry about this though, it is harmless.  Just keep on doing what you are doing, and I'm sure they will be okay.  Maybe another expert has had problems with brown algae, and might know the answer to this...I'm at a loss here, especially that the three are in the same place, and getting the same amount of light...same water boggles my mind!
Have a nice evening

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

 I too am very sorry if I offended you in any way. I just seem to have this HUGE heart when I see these fish in those little bowls at the pet stores or any other store. I think you might have answered my question! Jimmie is the oldest and the largest and he seems to not eat as much as the other two. He also does not seem to like to eat off the bottom and maybe if a piece or two falls it could be causing my problem. I am going to just feed him one piece at a time to make sure it doesn't go to the bottom. I appreciate your kind words and I know now that your heart for bettas is as big as mine. Thanks again and have a wonderful Holiday season. It is only weeks away!!


You are very welcome Gay,
I would like to mention when feeding bettas, we must give them small meals, and not one big meal.  Maybe you know this, but just incase...the bettas tummy is as big as his eye, so we must be careful when feeding them.  They should have 2-3 meals a day.  Example:  2 pellets, or 2 flakes for one meal.  You could also feed them one cooked frozen pea each, one day a week.  Remove the outer layer, and cut the pea into small pieces.  Feed the pieces one at a time to your bettas.  This helps them clean out their system, and avoids Swim Bladder Disease.  On the day you feed them the pea, do not feed them anything else.
Have a happy holiday season!