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Feeding new Oscar

23 14:07:29

OK sorry for such a simple question but I just wanna know how much to feed a young Oscar. He can't be more than 5 inches long. I have Cichlid Gold floating balls. I was just curious how many at a time and how often I should feed him. And also is it OK that he eats ghost shrimp? I have an albino African clawed frog in my tank that is eating the shrimp for sure but I think the Oscar is too. I've also read seen that frozen peas are a popular addition to their diet. Should I thew them first or give them to him solid as rocks like that? Thanks.

Hi Bill,
 Thaw the peas first.  

 It is fine for him to eat shrimp.  Unfortunately, when he gets large enough, he will eat the frog as well and also anything else in the tank that will fit in his mouth.  That is what oscars do.

 Feed him what he will eat immediately.  Do not put in food for him to "eat later".  So, try about 10 pellets and if he eats those instantly give him a couple more.  If he doesn't eat all of them within a minute or two, cut back by a few.

-- Ron
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