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cichlids in a 10 gallon?

23 11:48:28

I have a 10 gallon freshwater aquarium, and was curious as to whether or not I could keep any sort of cichlids in it, either singly or in a group or pair. I have a feeling that most cichlids are either too big or too aggressive to be kept in a small tank like mine, but I thought I'd ask just to be sure. Also, can cichlids be kept in a tank with an undergravel filter, or will they just dig it up?
Thank you.

Hi Andrew,
 There are many cichlids that will do very nicely in a 10 gallon tank. There are close to 100 species of Apistogramma cichlids from South America that are all very small (but highly colorful) that would find a 10 gallon perfect.  Another one of my favorites is a fish called the butterfly cichlid (Anomalochromois thomasi) from West Africa.  There are also several cool shell-dwellers (genus Lamprologus, such as Lamprologus brevis) that would love a 10 gallon tank.

The undergravel filter is not a good idea.  Virtually all cichlids dig and they will uncover the filter plates, thereby rendering it useless (or actually worse because it will just accumulate decomposing matter).  A sponge filter would be a much better way to go.

-- Ron
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