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My Tiger Oscars Keep Swimming Side By Side Whats Wrong With Them??

23 11:46:33

Hi Richard, My name is Shawnell and my question is I have 2 tiger oscars in a 30 gallon tank they are maybe 1 or 2 inches. I bought them yesterday and for 2 days they won't seperate they always swimming together side by side where 1 go the other will follow I've been feeding them frozen bloodworms. Why are they swimming like that and what other food can I feed them and how often should they eat?? They not swimming around freely like they were when I bought them.

Hi Shawnell

You have to give them time to adjust to their new surroundings. They are frightened right now as they were just taken out of a home they were comfortable in and placed in a new home that is very strange to them. In a 2-3 weeks, I think you will not only notice them behaving normally, but they will come to greet you at feeding time. Make sure they have plenty of rocks to hide behind, Oscars need a place to go when they feel threatened.

As far as food, I feed my Oscars TetraCichlid flakes, Hikari Cichlid pellets and color foods such as TetraColor and Hikari Cichlid Gold. Bloodworms and Brine Shrimp can be given to them once or twice a week as treats, but not a primary source of food.

Finally, I'm not sure if anyone has told you this or not, but your two Oscars are going to quickly outgrow a 30 gallon tank. Within 6 months, they will need a 75 gallon tank.

Hope this helps, good luck!
