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Sick new fish

23 11:14:22


I bought 2 gouramis at Petsmart yesterday. Both seemed fine...swimming eating. This morning I got up and the blue one wouldn't swim around or eat and had a strange discoloration on both sides of his body. Could you tell me what this is? All water samples check out fine...the other fish is acting normal.


  I would remove that fish and put it in your hospital tank right away. There can be a few problems that are going on. When you bought them, did you quarantine them for 2 weeks before adding them to the aquarium? That is a very important step in adding fish to your tank. This could be related to stress, that some fish go through when being added to a new home. I would say either an internal fungal infection (Ichthyophoniasis)or a protozoal infestation. Ichthyophoniasis is more common in the Gouramis. You can try antibiotic foods, but Ichthyophoniasis is highlyresistant and there are no known reliable cure to this disease. If you start to see that fish swimming in circles or erratically that means the disease has reached its nervous system and euthanasia is the best thing. You can try treating your fish with Formalin in case it is a  external protozoan parasite such as Chilodonella. Isolate and treat with a combination of QuickCure (formalin & malachite green)and metronidazole. If after this treatment the fish does not seam better, than it is probably an internal fungal or bacteria-like infection--those that manifest these symptoms are typically very hard to treat. You can try to treat with a broad range antibiotics like tetracycline, ampicillin, erythromycin.

Most important is to remove that fish from the tank before it infects the one that is showing no signs of illness. Always quarantine your fish for 2 weeks before adding them to the tank so that if there is a problem, that fish does not infect the entire aquarium. Also, never add the water that your fish came home from the store into the tank it will be living in. Again, if there is a problem, the water is contaminated and it you add it to the aquarium, you are adding the sickness to your entire fish population.