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My placos keep dying and Im not sure why.

23 11:07:57

I really hope you can help me. I have inherited a 55gal tank from
my brother who had it set up previously for years. I have approx 25-30 1-1 3/4 inch fish in the tank at this point. I am running 2 50 gal filters and 2 heaters in the tank. I originally bought a albino placo to get started but as soon as I added a second Black placo weeks later, the albino turns up dead. So I buy another black placo and weeks later the second placo dies... Noe I was left with my latest placo and just this morning I find him dead as well. Now none of my other fish have died... I have plenty of sunlight for the algea. The PH is normal and so I my ammonia. I don't know what I'm doing wrong! Help!

Hi Devin,

Check your Nitrites, and nitrates.  Nitrates are okay in freshwater, up to 10ppm, but nitrites should be zero.

If you have plecostamus, you have to give them algae and they require cooler water.  People who keep tanks up near 80 tend not to have as great luck with them as those who maintain 76F.

Happy fish-keeping and I hope it helps.