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sucker fish and shrmp

23 14:03:41

what do you feed a sucker fish and shrimp that you get from the pet store at walmart. and how do you care for them?

Hi Sadie Jo,

First off cool name you've got there, I like that one.

Anyway, I haven't got a clue what Walmart sell because I'm British. However, I assume that this is a small blue shrimp (or similar) and some kind of armoured catfish.

Armoured Catfish thrive on algae pellets combined with blanched vegetable matter (ie carrots, cucumber) and small meaty foods such as Bloodworm and Daphnia.

Freshwater shrimps are often filter feeders and take food in when it breaks down into microscopic form so you won't need to worry about providing him with any food.

Good Luck
