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29 gallon tank

23 14:26:49

I have a 29 gallon tank that contains a rosy barb, golden barb, a pink mixed fruit tetra, two zebra danios, a gold gourami, dwarf flame gourami, dwarf blue gourami, a paradise gourami, a brichardi, a pleco and two algae eaters.  I was wondering if all of these fish were suitable to stay in the tank together or if there were any I needed to remove.  Please send your adivce asap.  Thanks!

Barbs need to be kept in groups of 8 or more, so I would take both the Rosy and the Golden barb back to the fish shop. Tetras also need to be in big groups, and "fruit" tetras, are a name given to tetras which have been injected with dye. This causes them a lot of pain, and 90 percent of them do not live longer than 3 months. It is a very cruel trade, and is illegal in many places. You should definitely take him back to the fish shop. Barbs are known to be quite nippy, so I would buy 6 Tetras instead (ones that are not died). Buy another 4 Zebra Danios, so you have 6.
There are many types of birchardi, but none are suitable for your size of tank, so I would take him back.
What type of pleco is it? It may be small just now, but they can grow to 18 inches and more! What type of algae eaters are they? The same applies to them.

In total, you should have no more than 25 inches of FULLY GROWN fish.

Good luck,