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My poor fidh wont eat.

23 14:46:23

I just bought a Fantail goldfigh. He was fine for about two days. His tank got cloudy and I read it was proably because we were giving him too much food and it was sinking to the bottom and staying there. Then I changed his water and now he will not eat anything. Thanks so much for your help!

Hello Amanda-

Be sure you have a filter and a bubbler (or a waterfall-type filter) in the tank. This will dissolve oxygen into the water, which essential for your fish's survival. The filter will also keep the water clean so you won't have to change it as much.

As for not eating, it's normal for fish to do this after a sudden change in environment. The water change probably shocked him, and he may not eat for a few more days. Just be patient and treat him well, and he should recover. Don't offer him more than one piece at a time, and if he eats the first piece, give him one more. Go piece by piece until you think he has had enough. It's better to underfeed than to overfeed.

Hope this is helpful!
-Amber Worman