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Guarami Dwarf Pregnant?

23 14:49:12

Hi Samantha,
    I have 2 orange/silver Guarami Dwarf fish and one of them has gotten a fat belly, I think She's pregnant ( I'm not sure how you tell the difference between the sexes of these fish) she has been acting strange today, now she's hiding. I know this is a sign of the fish when they are about to give birth. Do these fish give live babies?

Hi Katie,
 Your fish could be (pregnant.) The difference is that these are not live bearers. The male will make like a cloud of sperm at the top of the water and the female will lay her eggs in it.Males are the typical Dwarf Gourami pattern and are larger.
The females are smaller and are either plain silver or with a slight pattern showing against the silver body.
   I hope this helps,