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Oscar out of water too long...

23 14:04:05


I have a 110 gal tank setup with two 4 1/2 inch Oscars. the albino one jumped out of the tank sometime this morning. When I awoke, I found him motionless on the floor. I immediately put him back in the water. He sank to the bottom. I thought he was already dead when I noticed his gills barely move. I carefully lifted him up right. I used my thumb to slightly open his mouth while I carefully moved him about the tank, forcing some water through his gills. He slowly perked up. He is alert and is able to track things with his eyes. He recognizes the other Oscar and is struggling to stay close to him. will stay upright for the most part. He sits at the bottom only swimming when provoked by the other fish. He is very weak. He was out of the water long enough to almost completely dry out. What can I do to help him recover? He has no visible injuries. Thanks!  

Hi David,
 Actually, you've already done it.  If he still has eye movement and can stay uprightt then odds are good for him to recover.  He may lose some fin material -- if they dried up they will fall up, but they should grow back.

 The only thing at this point is to make sure that other fish don't bother him.

-- Ron
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