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algae eater needed

23 14:04:05

I have a 55 gallon tank with African cichlids,it's got alot of rust colored algae that grows on the sides of the tank as well as the plants and fake logs.What kind of algae eater can I get to help with this? I clean my tank every 2 weeks sometimes just a good wall scrubbing in between.

hi Dee,

The best algae eater to keep with Cichlids is probably the Sucking Loach (Gyrinocheilus Aymonieri). Cichlids are extremely inquisitive and will investigate newcomers to the point where it's detrimental to the new fish's health. Sucking Loaches are well armed to defend themselves against particularly boisterous fish and it is also more efficient at clearing large quantities of Algae than a Plec.

If you are after an armoured Plec in particular then for algae consumption the Bristlenose is totally unrivalled.

Good Luck!
