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Oscar patchy white scales and cloudy tank

23 11:12:37


Oscar and cloudy tank
I have two oscars about 8 in long, two gopuramis about 4 in long, two placos about 6 in long, and one Raphael Catfish about 3 in long all in a 55 gallon freshwater tank. They have been together peacefully and without problem for three months. Then recently the water has become cloudy and the Oscars have white patchy scales that resemble scars. I have vaccummed the tank, changed the water, added ammonia and chlorine balancing chemicals,and used pH balancing chemicals, but not at the same time. (I have tried each one of them individualy over the last month and a half)

The oscar with the patchy scales has also been moving rocks. He seems to be picking at them and moving them around. What do you think is going on and what else should I try?


 The number one problem is you have too many fish in that tank. The filter is unable to filter the water of all its toxins. The minimum tank size for one Oscar is 50 gallons. The best thing you can do is either upgrade the tank, or get the Oscars out and give them to someone with a larger tank. You need to be doing 25% water changes every week and would be a good idea to get a larger filter. Your fish are showing signs of stress and that is why they look the way they do. As they get larger you will have new problems to deal with such as fighting. The moving of the rocks is just something they are doing out of boredom and stress due to the tank being too small.