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Betta acting weird

23 15:00:57


I have a betta in a half gallon bowl. Just recently he started acting weird, just hanging out at the top and not eating.  We recently moved buildings and I did a water change for his bowl. I am wondering if the problem would be caused be stress or by the different water in the building.  Thank you for your help.

Hi Kelsie;

It is probably stress, but be sure his water temperature is staying warm enough. Bettas need to be at least 76f, 78 to 80 is even better. Put him in as warm a spot as possible. Put a desk lamp close to his bowl and let it warm slowly if needed.

Also make sure you use a water conditioner when you change his water. Your water conditioner should remove chlorine/chloramine and help stress. The water in the new building might be just enough different to be stressing him out.

Also look closely at his body to be sure there is no swelling, fungus or spots of any kind that aren't normally there. Look at his eyes and make sure they aren't bulging, and be sure his fins look okay and aren't "gummy", stringy or glued together or anything. All these indicate disease or maladies that you will want to treat right away.

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins