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cichlid body wound turned fuzzy

23 14:25:13

Hi Ron, I have a small pair of flowerhorns. The male was a little too amorous, and the female ended up with body wounds. I had not separated them yet with a divider as I thought they were too young to be interested in breeding. Doh! They now have a divider in the tank, and because the male had gotten a little scraped up also I just treated the whole tank with Melafix. He is healing, but her wounds now look "fuzzy" or maybe even slimy looking. She is also remaining in a lateral head down position, although she can swim upright when I lift the lid to feed. She is not interested in eating. The injury happened 3 days ago and the fuzzy coating only 1 day ago. The lateral position just started today. My question is should I continue treating with Melafix, or switch to a different medication? Thanks!

Hi Traci,
 The "fuzzy" coating is a fungus.  I use a product called Paragon II to treat fungus, though there are others out there that you could try.  Unfortunately, when a fish stops swimming right, that often indicates severe injuries.  

-- Ron
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