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ICH fish?!

23 15:11:51

I believe my fish has the disease called ICH. I decided to get some fish so i started up a new tank of about 10-15 gallons with a filter and heater. I had it run for three days before adding fish then i got 5 neon tetra. The first night one died. Then the next day another died. A few hours later i noticed that one of the tetra has gotten pale, is breathing faster and has small tiny bumps all over it's body.
I've been researching it on the computer and it looks to me like it is the disease called ICH. Its had it now for 3 days and i am wondering if you think that's what it is and if i should remove the fish. we dont have a pet store where i'm from so i cant go out and buy treatment for the fish. The other fish look fine but i think that if this fish does have it chances are the other 2 do too. Can you let me know if i added the fish too soon and if i should destroy the infected fish or what.
I am planning on going out of town Mar 1 and I plan on bringing back maybe some goldfish (because i really dont think the tetra will live much longer).
Should i start over from scratch and do something differently or should i just remove the one fish and see what happen to the others?

Hi Kristie,
  First, check the temperature in the tank.  It should be around 80'F.  

  I suspect your fish had ich when you got them.  Yes you should destroy the sick fish (put it in a bag in the freezer).

  A brand new tank is a tough world to live in. Normally it takes a number of weeks for a tank to become established, during which you should only put rather hardy fish in there. By the way, a goldfish is not generally a good choice in my opinion -- they often have disease and aren't that easy to keep.
  It is always a good idea to have some ich medicine on hand, as that is the most common fish disease and the medicine lasts forever so when you get a chance, get some and then you will have it in the future.

  May I suggest you consider getting either something like a few mollies or swordtails   OR  a pair of convict cichlids (not both).  

  No need to start from scratch at this point unless the other two fish die. If that happens, let me know.

-- Ron
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