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I think need to euthanize my Betta, but how?

23 15:06:44

Thanks for your time with this.  I have a 2.5 year old Betta who is struggling.  Here is Hank's story.  He started out as my office fish living in a large vase with live plants/rocks.  He was very pretty. I was very bad about changing his water, got to it about once every 10-14 days, it would be pretty skanky. I didn't know better at the time.

Six months ago I noticed tendrils and white bumps and started doing some reading and learned about his need for an airated, filtered tank.  I decided he was sick with Ich and velvet and understood why.  I brought him home and have kept him here.  At the time I was unable to set up a proper tank with filter and airation system and so have tried to do the best possible with regular water changes to his vase, and I got rid of the rocks and plants. The medicinal treatment ( Maracide) and regular water changes( every 1-2 days with Bio Safe detoxifier)took care of his ills, except for the big bump; that has never gone away.

For the past five months he has been great, a real success story.  Swimming well, eating well.  His bowl is kept at a consistent 78-82 degrees, I have an adhesive thermometer on the side.  When I change his water I transfer him in the old water to a small glass, make sure the fresh water in the bowl is at the proper temp, add detox, aquarium salt and then float him for a bit. Then I pour him in.  I have continued to monitor him daily and change his water regularly every 4-6 days. The only tank issue I've had is an algae bloom seems to occur after three or four days each time. I've not tried any products to resist that. About two weeks ago i began noticing tendrils hanging from him again.  Otherwise he seemed fine.  Assuming velvet, and because his white spots never really went away I administered a three day treatment of Maracide, changing the water each day.  Today his head is covered in ring like white sores.  He has a variety of white bumps on his body, some tiny, some small, and still the one huge one which is  bigger than his eye.  He has progressively gotten worse since the treatment.  For the past three-four days he is listless, lays on his side on the bottom, only surfaces to grab air and then sinks again straight away.  His body looks coppery, he has no appetite. The tendrils are gone but the white spots remain  I would love to get him healthy but don't know what else to do.  He is suffering.  If it comes to it, what is the proper, least painful way to euthanize him?  Unless you have some advice on medicines or treaments I have not tried?  Oh, I've also simply tried the freshwater method of daily water changes with detox.  The bowl has nothing in it, just water and Hank.  Whatever you can share will be greatly appreciated.


Hi JoAnne;

Oh, he has had a very tough time hasn't he? Poor guy.

You could try an antibiotic like Kanacyn or Maracyn 2. These particular two are effective antibiotics for fish.  They absorb into the fish and work inside as well as outside. It really does sound like he may be too weak though, I'm afraid. You've done an admirable job trying to help him. Euthanasia is a very personal decision. Sometimes it is necessary to end the suffering of a pet when it appears that it will not recover.

Here is some helpful info if you have to find a way to euthanize;

Hoping for the best......

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