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I Think I made my Flowerhorn Really Sick

23 11:04:16

sick flowerhorn
sick flowerhorn  
Hia Ron,
Ok let me just get down to it. I fed my Flowerhorn clams. I know it was a stupidd move,but the only reason I did is my local petstore said it was ok to feed them shell fish. My dumb self thought that mussles was included. Shes throwing it back up and pooping real bad. Shes also sitting in the corner of the tank not doing much. What should i do?

Hi Angela,
  I don't think that there is much you can do, basically she has to deal with it.  BTW, I don't see any particular problem with feeding her clams.  You could try feeding her some thawed frozen peas. That sometimes works to clear out the digestive tract.  

-- Ron C.
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