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I want a Betta

23 11:50:45

You seem to be very knowledgeable about betas. I think they are beautiful fish and I was never interested in them till I read your care sheet. I assumed they were boring fish because you always see them sitting still in small lided containers. Before I get one (I have a 5 gallon tank) I need to know how to set the tank up, and where to get a healthy one from. I have Live plants also. Do they like live plants. Please help me make a lil beta have a happy home!

I personally don't keep live plants with my bettas because we  change all the water once a week in a 5 gallon tank, unless you plan of having a filter.  If so, start your aquarium now, and let it run with nothing in it for 10 days.  You could also buy a used sponge which will help give your water good bacteria.  Check your water after this time, and if the chemistry is good, you could add your betta.  Make sure the ammonia is zero, and nitrates are safe.  Do water changes every week of 30% without fail.  Bettas love plants, and little tunnels they can go through.   I buy them silk plants so they can rest on the leaves.   I think we have a Plant Expert on the team that might help you, and tell you more about keeping plants.  I am really not into plants, as I breed fish, and must do lots of water changes.
Do not heat your water right away.    Don't forget to add water conditioner to your water, and one teaspoon of aquarium salt.  The salt helps them with stress.  Heat your water one degree every two days after the betta is in the tank.   This must be done very very slowly as rising the temperature too fast would cause death.
Bettas are very intelligent.  It is amazing, and hard to believe seeing as they are so small.  You get attached to them very fast.
When buying your betta, check to see that he has no trace of disease, no spots, or discoloration.  His eyes should be nice, and not sunken in or popping out.  Usually in a Pet Store, they do check them every day to make sure that they are not sick.  I think that a Pet Store would be the best place to buy your betta.  It's so sad to see them in those small containers.  
I hope this helps, and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to write me.