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Zebra Danios (GloFish)

23 11:07:23

I have several pet glofish (, at first I was concerned that one of my females was getting too much to eat. She's very big and recently developed a small hole in her side. I watched the last feeding only to notice that she didn't attempt to eat, though she's still active. After doing some research I believe that she may have tumors, if so what should I do?

Can't really get a good image but she looks similar to this one

The hole is a parasite.  She's got a parasite.  Internal.  Treat using PraziPro.  Follow directions.

Do treat her TODAY because if the worm gets out into the water, not only will the fish die, but the other fish will catch it.

It looks like fungus has also developed on the spot on her side.  Please make sure you are doing water changes every other weekend at least 25% of the water.

Today, change half her water, and treat her with the prazipro asap.

Happy fish-keeping.